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Emmy Award Winning Producer Kurt Engher and NAACP Image Award Nominee Ray Nowosielski Team Up With iHeartPodcasts For New Series
“George Bailey Was Never Born”
NEW YORK – November 21, 2023 – Today, iHeartPodcasts, Emmy Award-winning producer Kurt Engher and 2022 NAACP Image Award Outstanding Podcast nominee Ray Nowosielski announced the release of “George Bailey Was Never Born,” a one-of-a-kind podcast experience that takes a definitive look at “It’s a Wonderful Life,” one of the most popular holiday movies of all time. The new series is available now on the iHeartRadio app and everywhere podcasts are heard.
The series is a co-production of iHeartMedia and Double Asterisk, in association with True Stories, created by Engfehr, editor-producer of Oscar- and Palme d’Or-winning documentaries from director Michael Moore, and Nowosielski, producer of “Gumbo Coalition,” which began streaming on Max Nov. 6th, and a story producer on “The Super Models,” streaming on Apple TV since September.
Joseph returns to narrate the podcast, reprising the character who tells fellow angel Clarence the story of Jimmy Stewart’s George Bailey over the 1947 Frank Capra directed classic. The podcast features conversations with Stewart's daughter Kelly Stewart Harcourt, co-star Donna Reed's daughter Mary Owen, Capra's grandchildren Frank Capra III and Monica Capra Hodges, original story writer Philip Van Doren Stern’s grandchildren and others, as well as American influencers, artists and real modern small-town corollaries to the characters from the movie.
“George Bailey Was Never Born” details many never-before-told stories, ranging from the failure by Rashida Jones’ grandfather to renew the film's copyright to how Republic managed to regain control of it in 1993, from how the New York Times helped start a popular phenomenon of upside-downing the meaning of “It’s a Wonderful Life” to the abolitionist and anti-fascist intentions behind the movie’s creation, with implications for the MAGA movement today, and much more.
Three episodes take listeners inside the "real" Bedford Falls, Seneca Falls, New York, one spotlighting community banker Menzo Case's efforts to bring affordable housing there through his own Seneca County Habitat For Humanity Bailey Park. Case passed away suddenly of a heart attack on October 13th, leaving that initiative in doubt. Double Asterisk is donating a portion of proceeds to Bailey Park and encouraging listener donations to that, to their local Habitat for Humanity and to AFSP, in honor of the movie's twin causes of affordable homeownership and suicide prevention.
“George Bailey Was Never Born” is distributed by iHeartPodcasts.
Link To Cover Art here
Visit iHeart.com/apps to download iHeartRadio and listen to “George Bailey Was Never Born” on your favorite device.
About iHeartMedia
iHeartMedia, Inc. [Nasdaq: IHRT] is the leading audio media company in America, reaching over 90% of Americans every month. iHeart’s broadcast radio assets alone have more consumer reach in the U.S. than any other media outlet; twice the reach of the next largest broadcast radio company; and over four times the ad-enabled reach of the largest digital only audio service. iHeart is the largest podcast publisher according to Podtrac, with more downloads than the next two podcast publishers combined and has the number one social footprint among audio players, with seven times more followers than the next audio media brand, and the only fully integrated audio ad tech solution across broadcast, streaming and podcasts. The company continues to leverage its strong audience connection and unparalleled consumer reach to build new platforms, products and services. Visit iHeartMedia.com for more company information.
About Double Asterisk
Double Asterisk, Inc., is the documentary and podcast media company of John Duffy and Ray Nowosielski. DA’s first major podcast series, After the Uprising, was nominated for a 2022 NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Podcast. Visit DoubleAsteriskMedia.com for more company information.
Media Contacts
Ron Kadish | President
Dog Ranch Music PR
ron@dogranchmusicpr.comKhim Aday
Available for Media Appearances & Interviews: Kurt Engfehr, Ray Nowosielski
Rashida Jones’ Grandpa Made the Biggest ‘Whoops’ in Cinema History & Brought ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ Back From the Dead
NEW YORK – November 21, 2023 – The outlines of the story have been floating out there for many years. A copyright renewal error to ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ around 1974 saw its apparent drop into the public domain, and the resulting wall-to-wall fee-free local TV airings in the years that followed gave us perhaps the greatest motion picture comeback story of all time. But did you know that Parks & Recreation star Rashida Jones’ grandfather Harold Lipton was the person in charge of legal and copyrights for National Telefilm Associates in ‘74, and therefore was likely the party most responsible?
A new iHeart podcast wasn’t satisfied with the vague details known about the copyright snafu and went in search of the story. They spoke with then-president of NTA Bernie Tobagan’s son Dr. John Tobagan and nephew Jerry Sindell, who was working at the company during the summer in question while completing his cult classic film Teenager, recently given praise by none other than Quentin Tarantino.
By 1974, as the Watergate hearings consumed the nation, the NTA legal chief’s daughter Peggy Lipton was a big star after four Emmy nominations and a Golden Globe win for her portrayal of an undercover hippie police officer in the iconic TV show The Mod Squad. That September she would marry Quincy Jones, with future model and actor Kadida Jones having just been born and Rashida only two years away. Mysteriously, Sindell notes that NTA struck a fresh film print of IAWL right at the time the apparent mistake took place inside Lipton’s office.
The rest of the story is told in George Bailey Was Never Born, episode 1, entitled “The People’s Movie (1974-’92)”, available now wherever you get your podcasts.
“George Bailey Was Never Born” is distributed by iHeartPodcasts.
Potentially Available for Media Appearances & Interviews: Jerry Sindell, Dr. John Tabagan, Geoff Williams (“the TV professor”), comment sought from Rashida Jones, Kadida Jones, Ray Nowosielski & Kurt Engfehr (creators of the podcast)
Link To Cover Art here
Visit iHeart.com/apps to download iHeartRadio and listen to “George Bailey Was Never Born” on your favorite device.
About iHeartMedia
iHeartMedia, Inc. [Nasdaq: IHRT] is the leading audio media company in America, reaching over 90% of Americans every month. iHeart’s broadcast radio assets alone have more consumer reach in the U.S. than any other media outlet; twice the reach of the next largest broadcast radio company; and over four times the ad-enabled reach of the largest digital only audio service. iHeart is the largest podcast publisher according to Podtrac, with more downloads than the next two podcast publishers combined and has the number one social footprint among audio players, with seven times more followers than the next audio media brand, and the only fully integrated audio ad tech solution across broadcast, streaming and podcasts. The company continues to leverage its strong audience connection and unparalleled consumer reach to build new platforms, products and services. Visit iHeartMedia.com for more company information.
About Double Asterisk
Double Asterisk, Inc., is the documentary and podcast media company of John Duffy and Ray Nowosielski. DA’s first major podcast series, After the Uprising, was nominated for a 2022 NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Podcast. Visit DoubleAsteriskMedia.com for more company information.
Media Contacts
Ron Kadish
Dog Ranch Music PR
ron@dogranchmusicpr.comKhim Aday
iHeartMedia khimaday@iheartmedia.com
Potentially Available for Media Appearances & Interviews: Jerry Sindell, Dr. John Tabagan, Geoff Williams (“the TV professor”), comment sought from Rashida Jones, Kadida Jones, Ray Nowosielski & Kurt Engfehr (creators of the podcast)
Robin Williams’ Strange ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ Connection Raises Awareness About Suicide Prevention in New Podcast
NEW YORK – November 21, 2023 – There was a time in the 1980s and ‘90s when It’s a Wonderful Life’s central premise of a man shown his impact by being brought to a sliding-doors alternate reality became such a go-to for television show writers as to become a cliche trope.
“I probably couldn't come up with a single long running sitcom that hasn't done [such an] episode,” says Laura Robinson, granddaughter of Philip Van Doren Stern, a non-fiction historical writer whose rare 1943 fantasy story The Greatest Gift originated the concept adapted to such effect into the Christmas classic, in which everyman George Bailey reconsiders his plans for suicide after seeing what the world is like without him.
A new iHeart podcast goes in search of the very first in this long line of TV takes on the classic, discovering it was likely a 1979 episode of the Robin Williams vehicle Mork & Mindy.
That episode, “It’s a Wonderful Mork”, sees Williams’ discouraged alien looking to abandon his mission on Earth until being shown what that would mean for those around him.
“I don't know how much value I have in this universe,” he tells his angel-stand-in supervisor Orson, “but I do know that I've made a few people happier than they would have been without me, so long as I know that I'm as rich as ever need to be.”
Thirty-five years later, the beloved comedian and actor would tragically take his own life.
“He had a great gift that was making other people happy and giving pleasure to people's lives,” Mork episode co-writer Tom Tenowich says in the podcast. “Anything that can help people that are going in that direction [of suicide] is really very, very important and wonderful.”
The ten episode George Bailey Was Never Born, released Nov 21, explores hopelessness and cynicism in American life today and offers It’s a Wonderful Life as one antidote.
Karolyn Grimes, who played Zuzu Bailey in the movie and lost her own son to suicide, pushed for the creation of the Wonderful Life Museum in Seneca Falls, New York, which also uses the movie as part of its suicide prevention efforts. She says she gets letters every year from people she describes as “on the bridge,” a reference to the movie protagonist’s averted attempt to throw away his greatest gift with a jump into an icy river.
“It's a huge situation now, it's growing every year and especially for young people,” says Grimes. “And we just need to try to make a difference in that regard and help these kids and anybody that's ‘on the bridge.’”
After losing her parents at a young age, Grimes was transplanted from Hollywood to rural Missouri where she spent much of her life. She had never seen her own movie until age 40 when, in 1980, she received a knock at the door that sent her in a new direction. A reporter had tracked her down to ask if she played Zuzu, causing her to watch It’s a Wonderful Life, and the movie’s message soon became her life’s mission.
“This is a powerful tool to help people talk about things,” asserts museum co-founder Anwei Law. “People need this movie, you know, this message of everyone having value in this world, where there's a lot of bullying and people contemplating taking their lives and hopelessness and discouragement.”
“George Bailey Was Never Born” is distributed by iHeartPodcasts.
Potentially Available for Media Appearances & Interviews: Tom Tenowich, Ed Scharlach (Mork episode co-writer), Karolyn Grimes, Anwei Law, Ray Nowosielski & Kurt Engfehr (creators of the podcast)
Link To Cover Art here
Visit iHeart.com/apps to download iHeartRadio and listen to “George Bailey Was Never Born” on your favorite device.
About iHeartMedia
iHeartMedia, Inc. [Nasdaq: IHRT] is the leading audio media company in America, reaching over 90% of Americans every month. iHeart’s broadcast radio assets alone have more consumer reach in the U.S. than any other media outlet; twice the reach of the next largest broadcast radio company; and over four times the ad-enabled reach of the largest digital only audio service. iHeart is the largest podcast publisher according to Podtrac, with more downloads than the next two podcast publishers combined and has the number one social footprint among audio players, with seven times more followers than the next audio media brand, and the only fully integrated audio ad tech solution across broadcast, streaming and podcasts. The company continues to leverage its strong audience connection and unparalleled consumer reach to build new platforms, products and services. Visit iHeartMedia.com for more company information.
About Double Asterisk
Double Asterisk, Inc., is the documentary and podcast media company of John Duffy and Ray Nowosielski. DA’s first major podcast series, After the Uprising, was nominated for a 2022 NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Podcast. Visit DoubleAsteriskMedia.com for more company information.
Media Contacts
Ron Kadish
Dog Ranch Music PR
ron@dogranchmusicpr.comKhim Aday
iHeartMedia khimaday@iheartmedia.com
Potentially Available for Media Appearances & Interviews: Tom Tenowich, Ed Scharlach (Mork episode co-writer), Karolyn Grimes, Anwei Law, Ray Nowosielski & Kurt Engfehr (creators of the podcast)
What Rights Do Paramount & NBC Actually Have in ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’?
NEW YORK – November 21, 2023 – In the summer of 1993 programmers at local TV stations across America went to their mailboxes to discover cease and desist letters. For the previous nearly-two-decades they had been taking advantage of a copyright renewal snafu inside National Telefilm Associates that seemingly left ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ in the public domain, resulting in fee-free airings that soon became constant each December, to the point of national parody. NTA successor Republic Pictures attorney James Tierney’s letters suddenly asserted otherwise.
Now a new iHeart podcast is putting a microscope to the claims inherent to decades of profits by Paramount’s subsidiaries and NBC. “They don't have copyright in the story, and they've never come to us for copyright in the story,” alleges Sarah Robinson in the podcast.
The next December, NBC began touting its decades-long twice-per-holiday exclusive TV airings of the classic, and the DVD and later BluRay and streaming of the movie was handled by Republic, which through a series of mergers and take-overs became part of Viacom and now Paramount. As Tierney told an L.A. Times reporter in the fall of ‘93, their new licensing of a host of songs in the soundtrack of the movie written before the movie’s production and vaguely stated rights to the original story on which the movie was based, The Greatest Gift, gave Republic what Tierney called “two barrels of a shotgun.”
Now a new iHeart podcast is putting a microscope to the claims inherent to decades of profits by Paramount’s subsidiaries and NBC. “They don't have copyright in the story, and they've never come to us for copyright in the story,” alleges Sarah Robinson in the podcast. Sarah is one of three granddaughters of Greatest Gift writer Philip Van Doren Stern and president of The Greatest Gift Corporation, a small family-owned entity created to manage Van Doren Stern’s rights after his 1984 passing. While the movie and its scripts are widely accepted to have fallen into the public domain in 1974, the same is not true of the story elements of the movie that are inherent to Van Doren Stern’s original writing, copyrighted in 1943, complicating much in this long saga.
As recently as 2013, when a Nashville based company announced their proposed sequel to the holiday classic based on their legal understanding that the original was owned by the public, a representative for the media goliath released a statement claiming “no project relating to ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ can proceed without a license from Paramount.” Though Paramount continues to hold a trademark on the title and questions remain about the public domain status of the movie in Europe, statements by Van Doren Stern’s heirs in the podcast may call into question the above assertion.
The rest of the story is told in George Bailey Was Never Born, episode 4, entitled “The Corporations’ Movie (1993-2003)”, available now wherever you get your podcasts.
“George Bailey Was Never Born” is distributed by iHeartPodcasts.
Potentially Available for Media Appearances & Interviews: Sarah Robinson, James Bates (L.A. Times reporter who spoke to Republic in ‘93), Jeff Leeds (L.A. Times reporter who covered James Tierney’s 1990s prosecution for an art theft insurance fraud), Peter Jaszi (esteemed copyright attorney well versed in the details), Ray Nowosielski & Kurt Engfehr (creators of the podcast)
Link To Cover Art here
Visit iHeart.com/apps to download iHeartRadio and listen to “George Bailey Was Never Born” on your favorite device.
About iHeartMedia
iHeartMedia, Inc. [Nasdaq: IHRT] is the leading audio media company in America, reaching over 90% of Americans every month. iHeart’s broadcast radio assets alone have more consumer reach in the U.S. than any other media outlet; twice the reach of the next largest broadcast radio company; and over four times the ad-enabled reach of the largest digital only audio service. iHeart is the largest podcast publisher according to Podtrac, with more downloads than the next two podcast publishers combined and has the number one social footprint among audio players, with seven times more followers than the next audio media brand, and the only fully integrated audio ad tech solution across broadcast, streaming and podcasts. The company continues to leverage its strong audience connection and unparalleled consumer reach to build new platforms, products and services. Visit iHeartMedia.com for more company information.
About Double Asterisk
Double Asterisk, Inc., is the documentary and podcast media company of John Duffy and Ray Nowosielski. DA’s first major podcast series, After the Uprising, was nominated for a 2022 NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Podcast. Visit DoubleAsteriskMedia.com for more company information.
Media Contacts
Ron Kadish
Dog Ranch Music PR
ron@dogranchmusicpr.comKhim Aday
iHeartMedia khimaday@iheartmedia.com
Potentially Available for Media Appearances & Interviews: Sarah Robinson, James Bates (L.A. Times reporter who spoke to Republic in ‘93), Jeff Leeds (L.A. Times reporter who covered James Tierney’s 1990s prosecution for an art theft insurance fraud), Peter Jaszi (esteemed copyright attorney well versed in the details), Ray Nowosielski & Kurt Engfehr (creators of the podcast)
Podcast Launches ‘George Bailey Day’ Based on Decade-Long NYC Viewing Party That Resurrected ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’
NEW YORK – November 21, 2023 – Many know the general story of how It’s a Wonderful Life bombed at the box office, fell into the public domain in the 1970s due to a copyright renewal error and became one of the great cinematic comeback stories through the endless free TV airings that followed. But a new iHeart podcast details the pivotal role played by an annual party thrown by acclaimed photographer Christopher Little and author and journalist David Fairbank White inside Little’s Flatiron photo studio. Their final in 1980 included director Frank Capra, there to pay thanks to the event he believed helped turn his lost classic into a belated hit.
The makers of the innovative podcast George Bailey Was Never Born, all 10 episodes released Thanksgiving week, are seeking to resurrect the Little & White party and see it carried on by fans today across the nation. Calling it “George Bailey Day,” and pushing for it to become an annual tradition…
The widely held assumption has been that the wall-to-wall local television airings started almost immediately after the 1974 snafu by National Telefilm Associates saw the corporation lose control of the future holiday classic. In fact, says Little, it was a 1979 New Yorker article by frequent party guest Mark Singer that raised the movie’s profile and, soon after, it couldn’t be avoided at Christmas.
The makers of the innovative podcast George Bailey Was Never Born, all 10 episodes released Thanksgiving week, are seeking to resurrect the Little & White party and see it carried on by fans today across the nation on Saturday, December 9th. Calling it “George Bailey Day,” and pushing for it to become an annual tradition on the 2nd Saturday of December, co-creator Ray Nowosielski says, “It’s a chance for like-spirited individuals to gather in person and connect and maybe talk a little about how to become the George Bailey’s for their communities, to counter the rise in suicidality and help get working people into affordable homes, two issues at the center of the movie.”
There are instructions on their web site SaveGeorgeBailey.com for how hosts can recreate the party as it was held for ten years by Little, White and about 70 others, many of whom went on to prominence. Makers and participants will also be in western New York’s Seneca Falls during their Wonderful Life Festival for a live streamed Facebook AMA event that December 9th at 2PM EST, allowing listeners to ask questions.
“George Bailey Was Never Born” is distributed by iHeartPodcasts.
Potentially Available for Media Appearances & Interviews: Sarah Robinson, James Bates (L.A. Times reporter who spoke to Republic in ‘93), Jeff Leeds (L.A. Times reporter who covered James Tierney’s 1990s prosecution for an art theft insurance fraud), Peter Jaszi (esteemed copyright attorney well versed in the details), Ray Nowosielski & Kurt Engfehr (creators of the podcast)
Link To Cover Art here
Visit iHeart.com/apps to download iHeartRadio and listen to “George Bailey Was Never Born” on your favorite device.
About iHeartMedia
iHeartMedia, Inc. [Nasdaq: IHRT] is the leading audio media company in America, reaching over 90% of Americans every month. iHeart’s broadcast radio assets alone have more consumer reach in the U.S. than any other media outlet; twice the reach of the next largest broadcast radio company; and over four times the ad-enabled reach of the largest digital only audio service. iHeart is the largest podcast publisher according to Podtrac, with more downloads than the next two podcast publishers combined and has the number one social footprint among audio players, with seven times more followers than the next audio media brand, and the only fully integrated audio ad tech solution across broadcast, streaming and podcasts. The company continues to leverage its strong audience connection and unparalleled consumer reach to build new platforms, products and services. Visit iHeartMedia.com for more company information.
About Double Asterisk
Double Asterisk, Inc., is the documentary and podcast media company of John Duffy and Ray Nowosielski. DA’s first major podcast series, After the Uprising, was nominated for a 2022 NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Podcast. Visit DoubleAsteriskMedia.com for more company information.
Media Contacts
Ron Kadish
Dog Ranch Music PR
ron@dogranchmusicpr.comKhim Aday
iHeartMedia khimaday@iheartmedia.com
Potentially Available for Media Appearances & Interviews: Christopher Little, David White, Mark Singer, Paul Mailhot-Singer (Mark’s son who voiced the New Yorker article in the podcast), Ray Nowosielski & Kurt Engfehr (creators of the podcast)
‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ Creators’ Next of Kin Come Together in New Podcast
NEW YORK – November 21, 2023 – “Is there a [single] ‘author’ of a film?” asks Mark Harris in a new iHeart podcast, himself one of the people behind the Netflix docu-series Five Came Back. “Some movies really do come from one sensibility, and many, many movies are collaborative in ways that nobody who doesn't understand how they were made will ever understand.”
Harris’ hit book looked at It’s a Wonderful Life director Frank Capra’s World War II years. Capra, regarded as an auteur, has for many years received the most credit for that film’s creation. But it was a matter of debate for many involved in the making of the now-Christmas classic, one that continues among its next of kin, many of whom are heard in the podcast George Bailey Was Never Born, all 10 episodes available now.
Husband and wife scriptwriters Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett raised this very issue even as the film was still in production, taking it to a Screenwriters Guild arbitration. You’ll notice the results of the guild’s determination in cards at the top of the movie you likely watch each December. Frank Capra was given third position credit after Goodrich and Hackett, and Capra's writer for the final shooting script, Jo Swerling, was credited for additional scenes. Philip Van Doren Stern was credited for his original short story, The Greatest Gift, while playwright Clifford Odets, who the podcast discovered contributed much to the movie’s first act, is uncredited. So too is Dorothy Parker, who contributed some memorable lines to the dialogue.
“That's a tough one, because it was grandpa’s,” says Capra’s granddaughter Monica Capra Hodges. “I would say he's the author, but he's not the only author. It was his creation, with everybody else's help. It would be an insult to him if I didn't say he was the author, because I do believe that that's what he thought.”
“I mean, the film is Capra and dad really,” postulates Kelly Stewart Harcourt, one of two biological daughters born to Jimmy Stewart, who brought to life the movie’s protagonist George Bailey, voted in a 2003 American Film Institute poll the 9th Greatest American Movie Hero of all time. She raises whether actors deserve to be seen alongside directors and writers in a movie’s formation. “I don't think that many actors could have made a story like that so believable, being shown what his life would be like if he hadn't been born. You know, it just didn't seem ridiculous [the way he performed it.]”
Capra tended late in life to speak dismissively in interviews about the movie’s contributions from its original story writer Van Doren Stern, a matter the writer’s three granddaughters have sought to rectify. Since It’s a Wonderful Life fell into the public domain in 1974, his heirs and their small family-owned The Greatest Gift Company have held the copyright claims to the portions of Van Doren Stern’s story enmeshed in the movie. The idea first came in a strangely vivid dream in 1938 that the mostly non-fiction writer recalled the next morning, on Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, while undertaking his definitive Lincoln biography.
“This story has a man named George, who's a banker in a small town standing on a bridge, contemplating jumping in,” argues Van Doren Stern granddaughter Sarah Robinson of his strong claims to be considered a significant creator. “It has George's wish never to be born and the grant of the wish by this nondescript, cheerie stranger. And then, of course, the tour of the never-born George to the town… and his desperate visits to his non-parents and his non-wife, his return to the bridge and the stranger to ask for his life back and his reemergence with new eyes in the world in which George had never been born. The bank that he worked in had failed and his brother had drowned because he had not been there to save him as a child. And Mary lived a hard, sad life. This is all from the initial draft, the initial writing of the dream.”
Odets’ son Walt Whitman Odets, who has rarely spoken about his father’s contributions, raises in the podcast whether his grandfather was an inspiration for actor Lionel Barrymore’s Mr. Potter, voted in that same American Film Institute poll the 6th Greatest American Movie Villain.
“[Mr. Potter] kind of looked like my grandfather,” Odets reveals. “[Clifford’s] father, whom he couldn't stand, was interested in nothing but money. My sister and I weren't permitted to see him because my father didn't want us exposed to someone like that.”
The rest of the story is told in George Bailey Was Never Born, episode 8, entitled “The Creators’ Movie (1938-’73)”, available now wherever you get your podcasts.
“George Bailey Was Never Born” is distributed by iHeartPodcasts.
Potentially Available for Media Appearances & Interviews: Monica Capra Hodges, Frank Capra III, Kelly Stewart Harcourt, Sarah Robinson, Walt Whitman Odets, Mark Harris, Ray Nowosielski & Kurt Engfehr (creators of the podcast)
Link To Cover Art here
Visit iHeart.com/apps to download iHeartRadio and listen to “George Bailey Was Never Born” on your favorite device.
About iHeartMedia
iHeartMedia, Inc. [Nasdaq: IHRT] is the leading audio media company in America, reaching over 90% of Americans every month. iHeart’s broadcast radio assets alone have more consumer reach in the U.S. than any other media outlet; twice the reach of the next largest broadcast radio company; and over four times the ad-enabled reach of the largest digital only audio service. iHeart is the largest podcast publisher according to Podtrac, with more downloads than the next two podcast publishers combined and has the number one social footprint among audio players, with seven times more followers than the next audio media brand, and the only fully integrated audio ad tech solution across broadcast, streaming and podcasts. The company continues to leverage its strong audience connection and unparalleled consumer reach to build new platforms, products and services. Visit iHeartMedia.com for more company information.
About Double Asterisk
Double Asterisk, Inc., is the documentary and podcast media company of John Duffy and Ray Nowosielski. DA’s first major podcast series, After the Uprising, was nominated for a 2022 NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Podcast. Visit DoubleAsteriskMedia.com for more company information.
Media Contacts
Ron Kadish
Dog Ranch Music PR
ron@dogranchmusicpr.comKhim Aday
iHeartMedia khimaday@iheartmedia.com
Potentially Available for Media Appearances & Interviews: Monica Capra Hodges, Frank Capra III, Kelly Stewart Harcourt, Sarah Robinson, Walt Whitman Odets, Mark Harris, Ray Nowosielski & Kurt Engfehr (creators of the podcast)
Claimed Real Bedford Falls of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ Loses its Real George Bailey, Putting His Affordable Housing Initiative in Doubt
NEW YORK – November 21, 2023 – Last Christmas community banker Menzo Case celebrated the green-lighting of his vision for an affordable housing tract in western New York’s Seneca Falls. He was calling it “Bailey Park,” after the similar initiative in the holiday classic It’s a Wonderful Life.
The town had agreed to the sewer and water infrastructure, Seneca County Habitat for Humanity had signed on to build and Case bragged he “just” needed to raise around $2 million. But on October 13, 2023, Case passed away suddenly and, like the movie he loved, working people hoping to afford their own homes there will now find out what their world is like without the man often compared locally to George Bailey.
The story is documented in a new iHeart podcast. Kurt Engfehr and Ray Nowosielski, co-creators of George Bailey Was Never Born, interviewed Generations Bank CEO Case repeatedly over his final year, also filming with his family inside his living room for what would turn out to be his last viewing of the movie that inspired much of his work. He kept a poster of it over his desk As heard in their 10th and final episode, in a conversation that took place only a week before his sudden heart attack, Case was having a replica of the movie’s large Bailey Park sign created for showcasing during the annual Wonderful Life Festival the town holds each December.
Since the mid 1990s Seneca Falls has laid claim to being director Frank Capra’s inspiration for It’s a Wonderful Life’s Bedford Falls, emphasizing the similarities in their zoning choices and new businesses, giving out an annual George Bailey Award, including to Case in 2009, starting a festival and a 5K race from their iconic bridge that draws thousands each year and opening a museum to the movie.
“I like to think it's still the American dream to own a piece of real estate,” Case told the podcasters. “America is not about getting wealth and becoming affluent, it’s about being part of something that's much bigger than yourself and finding your place in the community. ‘The Potter’s’ hands down are winning and destroying more and more of the fabric of our nation. But there are pockets, if you will, of ‘Baileys’ that keep pressing on.”
Case left behind his four adult children, a number of grandchildren and his wife Susan who, like George Bailey and his own wife Mary, he had met in elementary school. Driven by his Christian faith, his daughter Racquel Martin told the podcast, he took his bank in an unusual direction for modern times and was active with Habitat for Humanity. Jen Bernard, a maid at the local Gould Hotel, and her family are readying to own their own four-bedroom home in the coming year and credit Case’s help.
However, locals say much about Case’s vision for Bailey Park will need figured out over the coming year, and could now simply not happen. Complicating matters, the initiative involves land Seneca Falls must provide, which had the backing of town supervisor Mike Ferrara, but he lost his re-election bid in early November. Multiple stakeholders, including Seneca County Habitat for Humanity and Generations Bank, must come together behind a singular vision without Case. Bruce Bonafiglia, whose BonaDent is a major employer in town, is considering providing the help of his Bonafiglia Family Foundation but has often had a differing vision to Case’s regarding Bailey Park.
“Menzo [gave] off George Bailey vibes because he actually house[d] people,” says Casey Galloway, who credits Case with helping her open her own business, Cafe 19 attached to Generations Bank headquarters, comparing that to how Bailey helped similar fictional business owner Mr. Gower when he needed it. “I don't know if I would have ever had the opportunity to do this without his generosity in offering that up to me.”
Nowosielski and some podcast participants will be in Seneca Falls during this year’s Wonderful Life Festival for a live streamed Facebook AMA event on December 9th at 2PM EST, allowing listeners to ask questions. They hope to help promote Menzo’s vision for Bailey Park and push for the momentum to continue in the new year.
“George Bailey Was Never Born” is distributed by iHeartPodcasts.
Potentially Available for Media Appearances & Interviews: Menzo Case’s widow Susan Case and adult children, Rick Newman (Generations Bank), Melissa Nesbit (Seneca County Habitat), town supervisor Mike Ferrara (who backed the initiative but lost his election last week), Bruce Bonafiglia (a town employer considering taking up the cause), Jen Bernard (a hotel maid being offered housing by Case), Ray Nowosielski & Kurt Engfehr (creators of the podcast)
Link To Cover Art here
Visit iHeart.com/apps to download iHeartRadio and listen to “George Bailey Was Never Born” on your favorite device.
About iHeartMedia
iHeartMedia, Inc. [Nasdaq: IHRT] is the leading audio media company in America, reaching over 90% of Americans every month. iHeart’s broadcast radio assets alone have more consumer reach in the U.S. than any other media outlet; twice the reach of the next largest broadcast radio company; and over four times the ad-enabled reach of the largest digital only audio service. iHeart is the largest podcast publisher according to Podtrac, with more downloads than the next two podcast publishers combined and has the number one social footprint among audio players, with seven times more followers than the next audio media brand, and the only fully integrated audio ad tech solution across broadcast, streaming and podcasts. The company continues to leverage its strong audience connection and unparalleled consumer reach to build new platforms, products and services. Visit iHeartMedia.com for more company information.
About Double Asterisk
Double Asterisk, Inc., is the documentary and podcast media company of John Duffy and Ray Nowosielski. DA’s first major podcast series, After the Uprising, was nominated for a 2022 NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Podcast. Visit DoubleAsteriskMedia.com for more company information.
Media Contacts
Ron Kadish
Dog Ranch Music PR
ron@dogranchmusicpr.comKhim Aday
iHeartMedia khimaday@iheartmedia.com
Potentially Available for Media Appearances & Interviews: Menzo Case’s widow Susan Case and adult children, Rick Newman (Generations Bank), Melissa Nesbit (Seneca County Habitat), town supervisor Mike Ferrara, Bruce Bonafiglia, Jen Bernard, Ray Nowosielski & Kurt Engfehr (creators of the podcast)
New Podcast Makes Case for Mary, not George, as Hero of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’
NEW YORK – November 21, 2023 – Has ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ protagonist George Bailey, portrayed iconically by Jimmy Stewart, gotten too much credit for too long, at the expense of actor Donna Reed’s Mary Hatch? That's an argument unpacked by a host of female influencers over an hour-long episode of a new iHeart podcast.
Among those who speak in George Bailey Was Never Born episode 9, “Mary Hatch, Hero (For Our Times)” are Monica Hesse, gender writer for the Washington Post, Emily St. James, transgender former Vox television reviewer and Tania Hussain, Collider lead features editor. Donna Reed’s daughter Mary Owen details the feminist backlash her producer mother received…
over her 1960s housewife-centric sitcom, It’s a Wonderful Life director Frank Capra’s great-granddaughter Hannah Irmi talks what Mary could have been by comparing with Amy Poehler’s modern Parks & Recreation protagonist Leslie Knope and the movie’s story writer Philip Van Doren Stern’s granddaughter Laura Robinson tells of her mother Marguerite’s success in raising hundreds of millions out of poverty through a microbanking approach inspired in part by the movie.
Who really saved the Bailey Brothers Building & Loan during the Depression bank run? Mary’s quick thinking in offering up their honeymoon money to put account holders at ease. Who really kept George in Bedford Falls to help so many working people afford their own homes? Mary’s idea to squat in a disheveled Victorian house and years of fixing it up into a livable home for George and their children, who she raised while George battled Mr. Potter. And who really saved the day in the movie’s famous happy ending? Not George and not really even the beloved angel Clarence, but Mary’s bold action in going all over town to fundraise their way out of the missing $8000.
Why, then, the podcast asks, when the American Film Institute did its 2003 poll of American movers and shakers and Hollywood players, was George Bailey listed 9th Greatest Hero – and Lionel Barrymore’s Henry F. Potter even higher as 6th Greatest Villain – but Mary Hatch totally left out? The podcast also explores the efficacy of what it claims is the most controversial scene for modern viewers, Mary’s fate as a seemingly unhappy single librarian in the universe where George Bailey had not been born.
Also featured are the stories of Laurie Lindeen of the Minneapolis femme punk trio Zuzu’s Petals, named for a moment in the movie, whose marriage to The Replacements’ Paul Westerberg arguably saw her relegated to “woman behind the man” status like Mary, Carolyn Sills, whose vintage retro-country-western Sills Combo provided the podcast’s theme song “George Bailey” from Mary’s perspective, Janine Waller detailing the birth of the modern female equality movement out of western New York’s Seneca Falls, a town that has long argued for its place as the inspiration for Bedford Falls, and Seneca Falls hair salon owner Twyla Keeler’s uncomfortable local comparisons to George Bailey’s other love interest Violet Bick.
“George Bailey Was Never Born” is distributed by iHeartPodcasts.
Potentially Available for Media Appearances & Interviews: Mary Owen, Hannah Irmi, Laura Robinson, Monica Hesse, Emily St. James, Tania Hussain, Laurie Lindeen, Carolyn Sills, Janine Waller (of the Women’s Rights National Historical Park), Twyla Keeler, Ray Nowosielski & Kurt Engfehr (creators of the podcast)
Link To Cover Art here
Visit iHeart.com/apps to download iHeartRadio and listen to “George Bailey Was Never Born” on your favorite device.
About iHeartMedia
iHeartMedia, Inc. [Nasdaq: IHRT] is the leading audio media company in America, reaching over 90% of Americans every month. iHeart’s broadcast radio assets alone have more consumer reach in the U.S. than any other media outlet; twice the reach of the next largest broadcast radio company; and over four times the ad-enabled reach of the largest digital only audio service. iHeart is the largest podcast publisher according to Podtrac, with more downloads than the next two podcast publishers combined and has the number one social footprint among audio players, with seven times more followers than the next audio media brand, and the only fully integrated audio ad tech solution across broadcast, streaming and podcasts. The company continues to leverage its strong audience connection and unparalleled consumer reach to build new platforms, products and services. Visit iHeartMedia.com for more company information.
About Double Asterisk
Double Asterisk, Inc., is the documentary and podcast media company of John Duffy and Ray Nowosielski. DA’s first major podcast series, After the Uprising, was nominated for a 2022 NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Podcast. Visit DoubleAsteriskMedia.com for more company information.
Media Contacts
Ron Kadish
Dog Ranch Music PR
ron@dogranchmusicpr.comKhim Aday
iHeartMedia khimaday@iheartmedia.com
Potentially Available for Media Appearances & Interviews: Mary Owen, Hannah Irmi, Laura Robinson, Monica Hesse, Emily St. James, Tania Hussain, Laurie Lindeen, Carolyn Sills, Janine Waller (of the Women’s Rights National Historical Park), Twyla Keeler, Ray Nowosielski & Kurt Engfehr (creators of the podcast)
J. Edgar Hoover & Ayn Rand Went After ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’, Podcast Explores
NEW YORK – November 21, 2023 – Is there any movie considered more wholesomely American than the holiday classic It’s a Wonderful Life? This was decidedly not the perspective of notorious FBI head J. Edgar Hoover and his Hollywood based special agent Richard Hood circa 1947 as the movie played theaters, a story brought to life in a new iHeart podcast.
“If you were to ask most people if [that movie] is subversive, they’re going to look at you cross-eyed, right?” explains John Noakes, Acadia University dean of the School of Education and associate provost. In the 1990s Noakes was researching the FBI’s infiltration into historic activist movements when a colleague asked him to take a look at a batch of ‘40s government memos apparently provided by mistake in response to a Freedom of Information Act Request.
He was astounded to learn that George Bailey’s now-much-meme’d rant against banker Mr. Potter became the catalyst for a Federal Bureau of Investigation deep dive into the movie and its makers. In that scene George famously asks Potter, “Do you know how long it takes a working man to save $5000?”
The FBI recognized their own lack of expertise in analyzing movies, so they had turned for the development of criteria in assessing subversion to a Hollywood organization filled with vehemently anti-communist conservatives, the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals. Member Ayn Rand, fresh off publication of her libertarian selfishness-is-good opus The Fountainhead, became instrumental in drafting a document that would help legitimize Hoover’s decision to target IAWL.
Several screenwriters associated with the movie’s production would ultimately be targeted years later by Congress’ House UnAmerican Activities Committee, which employed the fruits of some of the FBI’s work in their infamous “blacklisting” efforts, including two whose early drafts were never used, Dalton Trumbo and Marc Connelly, and Dorothy Parker, who contributed memorable lines to the movie’s dialogue.
Another, playwright Clifford Odets, the podcast learned contributed much uncredited to the first act of IAWL. He found himself facing threat of jail over his six-months membership in the Communist Party years prior and made the difficult decision to “name names,” seeing his Hollywood relationships hurt for the remainder of his life.
“[Mr. Potter] kind of looked like my grandfather,” Odets’ son Walt Whitman Odets reveals in the podcast, raising the question of whether he was an inspiration for the iconic movie villain. “[Clifford’s] father, whom he couldn't stand, was interested in nothing but money. My sister and I weren't permitted to see him because my father didn't want us exposed to someone like that.”
In one FBI memo dated August 1947 sent from Hood to Hoover, voiced by real former FBI agent Mark Rossini in the podcast, he reports one censored Hollywood informant’s assessment that “the film represented a rather obvious attempt to discredit bankers by casting Lionel Barrymore as a Scrooge type so he would be the most hated man in the picture,” labeling this “a common trick used by communists.”
Among the Hollywood secret informants providing such info at the time turned out to be Rand-influenced future President Ronald Reagan, as revealed in 1985 by a Freedom of Information Act request by San Jose Mercury News reporter Scott Herhold.
“George Bailey Was Never Born” is distributed by iHeartPodcasts.
Potentially Available for Media Appearances & Interviews: John Noakes, Walt Whitman Odets, John Sbardellati (author J Edgar Hoover Goes to the Movies), Ray Nowosielski & Kurt Engfehr (creators of the podcast)
Link To Cover Art here
Visit iHeart.com/apps to download iHeartRadio and listen to “George Bailey Was Never Born” on your favorite device.
About iHeartMedia
iHeartMedia, Inc. [Nasdaq: IHRT] is the leading audio media company in America, reaching over 90% of Americans every month. iHeart’s broadcast radio assets alone have more consumer reach in the U.S. than any other media outlet; twice the reach of the next largest broadcast radio company; and over four times the ad-enabled reach of the largest digital only audio service. iHeart is the largest podcast publisher according to Podtrac, with more downloads than the next two podcast publishers combined and has the number one social footprint among audio players, with seven times more followers than the next audio media brand, and the only fully integrated audio ad tech solution across broadcast, streaming and podcasts. The company continues to leverage its strong audience connection and unparalleled consumer reach to build new platforms, products and services. Visit iHeartMedia.com for more company information.
About Double Asterisk
Double Asterisk, Inc., is the documentary and podcast media company of John Duffy and Ray Nowosielski. DA’s first major podcast series, After the Uprising, was nominated for a 2022 NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Podcast. Visit DoubleAsteriskMedia.com for more company information.
Media Contacts
Ron Kadish
Dog Ranch Music PR
ron@dogranchmusicpr.comKhim Aday
iHeartMedia khimaday@iheartmedia.com
Potentially Available for Media Appearances & Interviews: John Noakes, Walt Whitman Odets, John Sbardellati (author J Edgar Hoover Goes to the Movies), Ray Nowosielski & Kurt Engfehr (creators of the podcast)
Could ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ Be the Most Effective Antidote to MAGA’s Thrawl?
NEW YORK – November 21, 2023 – The politics of American holiday classic It’s a Wonderful Life have been debated for many years. A new iHeart podcast seeks to untangle this messy political reality while coming to a definitive conclusion about the ethos of the movie in light of the modern Republican party: George Bailey would be no friend to Donald Trump and his movement.
Jimmy Stewart’s daughter Kelly Stewart Harcourt felt compelled to break with her family’s long-standing policy of never mixing her father’s legacy with politics after a speech by bone cancer survivor Natalie Harp at the 2020 Republican National Convention…
NEW YORK – November 21, 2023 – The politics of American holiday classic It’s a Wonderful Life have been debated for many years. Its director Frank Capra was a lifelong Republican who opposed President Roosevelt’s New Deal, though he enthusiastically worked alongside him during the World War II efforts FDR led. Star Jimmy Stewart, who brought to life protagonist George Bailey, was also a Republican and friend and supporter of President Reagan. The screenwriters associated with the film, meanwhile, were decidedly leftist, many later targeted by the U.S. government for their alleged communist sympathies.
A new iHeart podcast seeks to untangle this messy political reality while coming to a definitive conclusion about the ethos of the movie in light of the modern Republican party: George Bailey would be no friend to Donald Trump and his movement.
Jimmy Stewart’s daughter Kelly Stewart Harcourt felt compelled to break with the family’s long-standing policy of never mixing her father’s legacy with politics after a speech by bone cancer survivor Natalie Harp at the 2020 Republican National Convention. Harp, who has been reported to now be part of Donald Trump’s communications team, compared the then-president to George Bailey, arguing he had saved the nation from an alternate reality dominated by “crooked Mrs. Potter,” a seeming reference to avoiding the ‘16 election of Hillary Clinton.
Stewart’s daughter then wrote a letter published by the New York Times, one she tells podcasters is her “proudest publication,” retorted, “Given that this beloved American classic is about decency, compassion, sacrifice and a fight against corruption, our family considers Miss Harp's analogy to be the height of hypocrisy and dishonesty.”
The podcast focuses three episodes on western New York’s Seneca Falls, the town that has long argued to be Capra’s inspiration for Bedford Falls, and that voted X to Y for Trump over Biden in the ‘20 election. Brian Alexander, who wrote the book Glass House about the state of American small towns, recounts a story of his subjects braggin to him on election day 2016 that she had voted for “Trump, baby!” Upon asking her why, she became quiet and started to cry, telling him, “I just want it to be like it was.”
Nostalgia for America past is also at the heart of why so many embrace It’s a Wonderful Life, the podcast argues, seeking to understand how that same nostalgia can serve to direct so many Americans to embrace the polar opposite of the movie’s message?
Journalist Larry Tye argues it comes down to Americans’ susceptibility to demagoguery. The author of a definitive book about infamous 1950s Senator Joseph McCarthy, the face of the effort to blacklist Hollywood liberals that included several IAWL screenwriters, Tye points out McCarthy became for a time the second most popular figure in American life and believes “Trump borrowed the Joe McCarthy playbook.”
“There’s a flesh and blood connection,” says Tye in the podcast, via McCarthy’s protege Roy Cohn. “A half a century later, when Fred Trump, Donald Trump's father, was looking for the perfect tutor [to help his son] when he was getting into the cutthroat world of New York real estate, he hired Roy Cohn.”
Ultimtely, says Tye, antiheroes fall away and we always revert to traditional heroes. “I like to think that George Bailey’s were involved in helping see through Donald Trump and Joe McCarthy and Mr. Potter and all the villains in American life, and that in the end, it is the George Bailey's who prevail and who really define who we are, even if we sometimes lose sight of that.”
“George Bailey Was Never Born” is distributed by iHeartPodcasts.
Potentially Available for Media Appearances & Interviews: Kelly Stewart Harcourt, Brian Alexander, Larry Tye, Ray Nowosielski & Kurt Engfehr (creators of the podcast)
Link To Cover Art here
Visit iHeart.com/apps to download iHeartRadio and listen to “George Bailey Was Never Born” on your favorite device.
About iHeartMedia
iHeartMedia, Inc. [Nasdaq: IHRT] is the leading audio media company in America, reaching over 90% of Americans every month. iHeart’s broadcast radio assets alone have more consumer reach in the U.S. than any other media outlet; twice the reach of the next largest broadcast radio company; and over four times the ad-enabled reach of the largest digital only audio service. iHeart is the largest podcast publisher according to Podtrac, with more downloads than the next two podcast publishers combined and has the number one social footprint among audio players, with seven times more followers than the next audio media brand, and the only fully integrated audio ad tech solution across broadcast, streaming and podcasts. The company continues to leverage its strong audience connection and unparalleled consumer reach to build new platforms, products and services. Visit iHeartMedia.com for more company information.
About Double Asterisk
Double Asterisk, Inc., is the documentary and podcast media company of John Duffy and Ray Nowosielski. DA’s first major podcast series, After the Uprising, was nominated for a 2022 NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Podcast. Visit DoubleAsteriskMedia.com for more company information.
Media Contacts
Ron Kadish
Dog Ranch Music PR
ron@dogranchmusicpr.comKhim Aday
iHeartMedia khimaday@iheartmedia.com
Potentially Available for Media Appearances & Interviews: Kelly Stewart Harcourt, Brian Alexander, Larry Tye, Ray Nowosielski & Kurt Engfehr (creators of the podcast)