Team & Participants
Top to bottom, left to right, Ruth Vaca, executive producer, Roy Sillings, narrator, Jon Autry sound engineer, editor, designer & mixer, Zachary Walter, composer, Pablo Anthony Nowosielski Vaca, 4 years old, Ray Nowosielski, co-creator. Thanks to Martin Boling for the photo.
Listen to Double Asterisk’s other limited run podcasts:
Who is Rich Blee?
After the Uprising - with a bold new season in St. Louis coming summer 2024
Origins: Birth of a Pandemic
Created, Written & Directed by
and Ray Nowosielski - X - Instagram
Kurt Engfehr, Producer and Supervising Editor
Ray Nowosielski, Producer and Journalist
Elizabeth Marcus, Editor
Roy Sillings, Narrator
“George Bailey” Theme Song by Carolyn Sills. Buy her albums.
Soundtrack composed by Zachary Walter. Buy his albums and the Podcast Original Soundtrack available wherever you get your music.
Mallory Keenoy, Co-Producer, Writers Assistant, Archival Producer, Fact Checker and Co-Writer of episodes 9 and 10 - X - IG - YouTube
Jon Autry, Sound Engineer, Additional Editing, Design & Mix
Executive Producers
Dave Cassidy & Kurt Engfehr
Lindsay Hoffman and Beth Anne Macaluso for iHeartMedia
Ray Nowosielski for Double Asterisk and True Stories
Ruth Vaca, Executive Producer for True Stories - Instagram: @ruthvaca - Instagram: @veganishvegetarian
John Duffy for Double Asterisk. Visit https://www.johnfduffy.com/ Read: his fiction book A Ballroom for Ghost Dancing
Elizabeth Hancuch, Associate Producer
Ryan Penington, Consulting Producer
Keith Sklar, Contract Legal
Peter Jaszi, Copyright & Fair Use Legal
Mattie Akers, Archival Specialist
Ron Kadish and Benji Michaels, Publicists
Kavya Santhanam and Marlee Weaver, Marketing & Promotions
Art and web design by Erin Kim and Stephanie Clark
Interns were Kira Gray, Emma Ramirez, Eva Stuart and Taiah Wilson.
Podcast license for Philip Van Doren Stern’s The Greatest Gift provided by The Greatest Gift Corporation. Their attorney is Kevin Koloff.
Recorded at David Weber’s Airtime Studios in Bloomington, Indiana.
Coming soon, True Stories’ weekly Everyone Has a Podcast with Ruth & Ray
The Real Bedford Falls: Seneca Falls
If you’re in “real Bedford Falls” Seneca Falls, visit the Wonderful Life Museum, the Presbyterian Church, Cafe 19, the current barber shops, Ferrara Lumber, Hair Elegance Between the Locks, WomanMade Products, Deweys 3rd Ward Tavern, Drink Like a Girl, Generations Bank, Seneca County Habitat for Humanity, Gould Hotel, the Women’s Rights National Historical Park and the businesses on Fall Street. And, I guess if you want, the casino, the Wal-mart, the Kinney Drugs, the Dunkin Donuts and the trash dump!
Oh, and check out BonaDent Dental Laboratories online. The Bonafiglia Family Foundation sponsored our December 9th 2023 podcast event at the Wonderful Life Festival.
If you’re in “real Riverdale” Haverhill Massachusetts, stop by the Comic Book Palace.
If you’re in Frances Goodrich’s childhood town of Nutley New Jersey, visit the Nutley Historical Society & Museum, the Mud Hole, Nutley Avenue where Frances Goodrich grew up, and the sledding hill.
If you’re in “real Grover’s Corners” Peterborough New Hampshire, see a movie at the Peterborough Community Theatre, catch a play from the Peterbrough Players (who first performed Thornton Wilder’s Our Town in 1940) and visit the lovely shops, restaurants, breweries and coffee houses – and tip your servers well! And maybe say hi to former state rep Ivy Vann!
If you’re in Norman Rockwell childhood town of Mamaroneck New York, visit their local businesses, the public library, Norman Rockwell’s childhood home and Fuller House affordable housing initiative. If looking for a home, go to Houlihan Lawrence and ask for Kateryna!
Copyright 2023 Double Asterisk, Inc

The People’s Movie (1974-’92)
This episode featured, in chronological order:
David White & Christopher Little. Learn more HERE about how to carry on their Wonderful Life viewing party annually every 2nd Saturday of December, George Bailey Day.
Geoff Williams. Read his TheTVProfessor piece “Its a Wonderful Life – And It’s History as a Holiday TV Classic”
Laura Robinson
Jerry Sindell. Listen to his appearance on Quentin Tarantino’s podcast talking about the cult classic he was working on in 1974, Teenager.
Dr. John Tobagan
Ed Scharlach & Tom Tenowich. Watch their Mork & Mindy episode “It’s a Wonderful Mork”.
And Frank Capra the 3rd. Check out his new movies as First Assistant Director, The Valet and About My Father.
With appearances by:
Neil Howe, Paul Zimmy Finn, Jennifer O’Neill, Jefferson Cowie, Sharon Fogerty, Monica Hesse, Emily St. James, Laurie Lindeen, the cast of Wonderful Life and the brief voices, music and artistry of a who’s who of Hollywood via clips used under the still-existing legal doctrine of fair use. The Potters are working on that one though!
Additional Show Notes
⭐ The voice of Mark Singer was played by his son Paul Mailhot-Singer, reading words written by Mark Singer for The New Yorker. Check out his articles about the 1970s party, “Wonderful” and “Perennials”.
⭐ The voice of Frank Capra was played by Mark Granby, grandnephew of Joseph Granby, the man who narrated Wonderful Life, based in parts on accounts by Little, White and Singer and in one part by Frank’s words spoken to the Wall Street Journal in 1984. Frank’s AFI speech is spoken by Frank himself.
⭐ Some original research by Geoff Williams for this episode.

You are Now in Bedford Falls
This episode featured in chronological order:
Paul Szmal & Greg Cotterill. Listen to their show The Finger Lakes Morning News on FLX Local Media.
Karolyn Grimes. Read her books, especially Zuzu’s Wonderful Life in the Movies.
Ryan Poll. Read his piece “How It’s a Wonderful Life Seized on an Urbanizing American Nostalgia for the Small Town”.
Mike Ferrara
Fran Caraccillo
Monica Capra Hodges
Hannah Ermi
And Anwei Law
With appearances by:
Matt Asner, John Sbardellati, Seth Kennedy, Maria Coleman, Casey Galloway, J Max Robins, Twyla Keeler, Wendell Jamieson, the people of Seneca Falls and the cast of Wonderful Life.
Additional Show Notes
⭐ Actor Brian Rohan does the George Bailey impression you hear at the Seneca Falls festival. Book him for your event.
⭐ Cotterill of FLX offered use of their Morning Radio Show segment.
⭐ The voice of Tom Belissima was played by Martin LaGrande, paraphrased from words he said to journalist Gabriele Romagnoll, as reported for La Stampa. Read that article.
⭐ The voice of Frank Capra was played by Mark Granby, grandnephew of Joseph Granby, the man who narrated Wonderful Life, based on Karolyn Grimes’ account.
⭐ The voice of the reporter who knocks on Karolyn Grimes’ door was played by Ray Nowosielski based on Grimes’ account.
⭐ Seneca Falls lodging for crew provided by Twyla Keeler.

Henry F. Potter, American AntiHero
This episode featured in chronological order:
Dom Nero. Read his Esquire piece “In Its a Wonderful Life, Pottersville Actually Looks Way More Fun Than Bedford Falls”.
Wendell Jamieson. Read his New York Times piece “Wonderful? Sorry, George, It’s a Pitiful, Dreadful Life”.
John Flynn
Gary Kamiya. Read his Salon piece “All hail Pottersville!”.
Tom Mullen. Listen to his new show Tom Mullen Talks Movies.
John Noakes. Read his The Cold War and the Movies.
Walt Whitman Odets
Natalie Harp. Watch her 2020 George Bailey speech.
Kelly Stewart Harcourt. Read her New York Times Letter to the Editor about Natalie’s George Bailey speech.
Glenn O’Leary and friends Michael “Buffy” Beaton, Jeff Quagenti and Corey Turner. Visit them at Glenn’s Comic Book Palace in Haverhill, Massachusetts.
And David Wilson. Read his Guardian piece “Why I watch It’s a Wonderful Life every Christmas”.
With appearances by:
Kait Monroe, the cast of Wonderful Life and the brief voices, music and artistry of a who’s who of Hollywood and the news media via clips used under the still-existing legal doctrine of fair use. The Potters are working on that one though!
Additional Show Notes
⭐ Some original reporting by Wendell Jamieson for this episode.
⭐ The voice of Richard Hood the FBI Special Agent was performed by former FBI agent Mark Rossini, based on government memos written by Richard Hood. Read some of Hood’s memo with J. Edgar Hoover.
⭐ The voice of a news article that first revealed Reagan as an FBI informant in Hollywood was performed by Matthew Reardon, voicing an original article written by Scott Herhold for the San Jose Mercury News. Read his Mercury News piece “Reagan acted as informant for FBI”.

The Corporations’ Movie (1993-2023)
This episode featured in chronological order:
Geoff Williams. Read his TheTVProfessor piece “Its a Wonderful Life – And It’s History as a Holiday TV Classic”.
Jim Bates. Read his Los Angeles Times piece “Yule With Less ‘Wonderful Life’? Tune In”. Those factual inaccuracies we mention are in one paragraph and would not have been knowable to Jim at the time, coming from what he was told by Republic.
Jeff Leeds. Read his Los Angeles Times pieces “Attorney Will Testify in Art Fraud Case” and “Ex-Prosecutor Charged in Art Fraud Case”. And for more on Tierney’s world, read the Forbes piece “Mr Class Action”.
J. Max Robins
Peter Jaszi
Sarah Robinson
And Jay Martel. You can find portions of his Escape from Wonderful Life on YouTube.
With appearances by:
The cast of Wonderful Life and of Escape from Wonderful Life and the brief voices, music and artistry of Hollywood, public persons and news media professionals and one unknown NBC promo narrator and music writer via clips used under the still-existing legal doctrine of fair use. The Potters are working on that one though!
Additional Show Notes
⭐ Jay Martel provided use of the still-never-fully-released Escape from Wonderful Life, which he produced and starred in, alongside performances by the writers Matt Besser, Amy Poehler, Ian Roberts and Matt Walsh, directed by David Zieff. The usages also fit “fair use.”
⭐ The voice of the news article that unpacked Republic’s plans for Wonderful Life was by James Bates reading his article for the Los Angeles Times.
⭐ The voice of Russell Goldsmith was played by Kurt Engfehr and the voice of James Tierney was played by Jason Klamm, paraphrased from words each spoke to James Bates, who wrote it in his article for the Los Angeles Times and, additionally for Tierney, from a 1993 letter he wrote.
⭐ The voice of the art theft news article was by Jeff Leeds from words written by him in articles for the Los Angeles Times.
⭐ The voice of the Spelling Republic merger reporting, from words written uncredited in an article for United Press International, and of the Blockbuster Viacom merger reporting, from words written in an article by Paul Farhi for the Washington Post, was played by Keith Murray.
⭐ The voice of the Wonderful Life sequel reporting was played by Bill Fitzpatrick, from words written by Aaron Couch for the Hollywood Reporter.
⭐ The voice of the Paramount representative was played by Elizabeth Marcus from words spoken to Couch for his Hollywood Reporter article.

This episode featured in chronological order:
Sarah Ferrara & Stefania Ferrara
Wendell Jamieson. Read his New York Times piece “Wonderful? Sorry, George, It’s a Pitiful, Dreadful Life”.
Mitchell Moss
Guian McKee
Mike Ferrara
Bruce Bonafiglia
Twyla Keeler
Karolyn Grimes. Read her books, especially Zuzu’s Wonderful Life in the Movies.
Jen Meckley. Read this beautiful piece her daughter wrote about her “My Mom is a Bartender”.
Brian Alexander. Read the book he completed after his investigation into the state of American small towns, Glass House.
And Fred Cappozzi
With appearances by:
The cast of Wonderful Life and the brief voices of Louis CK, Opie and Andy, an unknown ITT promo video narrator and TV news media professionals and some of the brief music and artistry of others via clips used under the still-existing legal doctrine of fair use. The Potters are working on that one though!
Additional Show Notes
⭐ Some original reporting by Wendell Jamieson for this episode.
⭐ The voice of a news article about the ITT Gould Pumps merger was played by Keith Murray, voicing portions of an original article written uncredited for Bloomberg News.
⭐ The voice of a news article about the Walmart tax assessment was David L. Shaw, voicing portions of his article for the Finger Lakes Times.
⭐ The voice of the Mynderse Academy teenager was played by Mike Smith and was a composite of various statements made by Seneca Falls teenagers to the podcast team, with some words and phrases changed.
⭐ Seneca Falls lodging for crew provided by Twyla Keeler.

The George Bailey Generation
This episode featured in chronological order:
This episode featured, in chronological order:
Harvey Kaye. Read his books on FDR The Fight for the Four Freedoms and FDR on Democracy.
Jefferson Cowie. Read his book on the 1970s “turn” Stayin Alive.
Neil Howe. Read his book Generations and his new one The Fourth Turning Is Here.
Mark Harris. Read his book on Capra and company Five Came Back and watch the documentary series.
Sarah Kendzior. Read her book The View From Flyover Country.
Bruce Cannon Gibney. Read his book A Generation of Sociopaths.
Gary Kamiya. Read his Salon piece “All hail Pottersville!”.
With appearances by:
Several American presidents, the cast of Wonderful Life, the cast of All in the Family, the cast of Wall Street and the brief voices, music and artistry of news media professionals used via clips used under the still-existing legal doctrine of fair use. The Potters are working on that one though!
Additional Show Notes
⭐ The voice of the Hollywood news reporter was played by ML Rutledge, stating words not based on anything in particular but drawn from never-found reporting on Frank Capra’s high profile visit to D.C. for Mr Smith Goes to Washington.
⭐ Some research for this episode was drawn from the work of Michael Willian for his book The Essential Its a Wonderful Life.

Bailey Park Returns, a.k.a. A Couple of Decent Rooms & a Bath
This episode featured in chronological order:
Kelly Guilfoyle & Alisha Clark
Jeanne Van Steen, John Demmer & John Simko
Charles Keating Jr.
Richard Magrann Wells. Read his American Banker piece “It’s a Miserable Bank”.
Menzo Case
Casey Galloway
Jen Bernard
Brian Alexander. Read the book he completed after his investigation into the state of American small towns, Glass House.
Kateryna Ulerio
Vanessa Amsbury-Bonilla
Ivy Vann
Susan Case
Racquel Martin and Racquel’s young son
With appearances by:
The people of Seneca Falls and the cast of Wonderful Life and the brief voices, music and artistry of the case of Saturday Night Live, Michael Douglas, Dana Carvey and news media professionals used under the still-existing legal doctrine of fair use. The Potters are working on that one though!
Additional Show Notes
⭐ Additional help provided by Menzo Case’s assistant Rick Newman.
⭐ Seneca Falls lodging for crew provided by Twyla Keeler.

The Creators’ Movie (1938-’73)
This episode featured in chronological order:
Sarah Robinson
Mark Harris. Read his book on Capra and company Five Came Back and watch the documentary series.
Monica Capra Hodges
Kelly Stewart Harcourt
Laura Robinson
Perrine Robinson-Gellar
Seth Kennedy
And Walt Whitman Odets
With appearances by:
The cast of Wonderful Life and the brief voices, music and artistry of the movies of Frank Capra from various studios and writers, The Diary of Anne Frank, Sweet Smell of Success and news media professionals including A.O. Scott for the New York Times, and Jimmy Stewart heard speaking to Michael Parkinson for BBC and Johnny Carson for NBC, via clips used under the still-existing legal doctrine of fair use. The Potters are working on that one though!
Additional Show Notes
⭐ The voice of Philip Van Doren Stern was played by Ray Nowosielski with the blessing of his granddaughters, based on words he spoke or wrote. His talk of dreams and writing was pulled from his unpublished work on Dreams, Creativity & the Unconscious Mind, provided by his granddaughters Laura, Perrine and Sarah.
⭐ And from his foreword to the short story collection he edited, The Moonlight Traveler: Great Tales of Fantasy and Imagination.
⭐ And his accounts related to his short story on which Wonderful Life was based come from Philip’s words included by his daughter Marguerite Stern Robinson in her afterword to the edition she published of Philip’s The Greatest Gift: The Original Story That Inspired the Christmas Classic Its a Wonderful Life.
⭐ Philip’s description of his “subject of democracy” meeting was paraphrased from his words as provided by his granddaughters.
⭐ The voice of Edith H. Walton was played by Elizabeth Marcus, based on words Edith wrote in her New York Times Drums of Mourning review.
⭐ The voice of Frank Capra was played by Mark Granby, grandnephew of Joseph Granby, the man who narrated Wonderful Life, based in part on Frank’s words over the years stated publicly, to reporters and in his autobiography The Name Above the Title and his quote of words written by Fra Giovanni, much of this collected by Jeanine Basinger during her incomparable work as long-time lead of the Frank Capra Archive at Wesleyan University and her The It’s a Wonderful Life Book.
⭐ The voice of David Goodrich, nephew of Frances Goodrich, was played by John Grimes, based on words he wrote for his book The Real Nick and Nora, for which he did much original research, and the voice of Frances Goodrich played by Tess Stalker, based on words she said as found by David for his book.
⭐ The voice of the Hollywood news reporter was played by ML Rutledge, stating words from a 1946 news story about the Wonderful Life Ambassador Hotel party, as collected by Jeanine Basinger.
⭐ The voice of on scene reporter for that party was played by Ray Nowosielski, stating words spoken by an unknown 1946 on-scene reporter, as collected by Jeanine.
⭐ The voice of Virginia McPherson was played by Mallory Keenoy from words Virginia wrote for her syndicated “Lets Gossip” column.
⭐ Some original research provided by Mark Harris, who did it for his book and limited documentary series Five Came Back.
⭐ Some original research provided by Philip Van Doren Stern’s granddaughters Laura, Perrine and Sarah and their The Greatest Gift Corporation, based in part on original research done by their mother Marguerite, and thanks to their attorney Kevin Koloff.
⭐ Check out Philip Van Doren Stern’s books, especially The Drums of Morning, An End to Valor, The Annotated Uncle Tom’s Cabin, The Life and Writings of Abraham Lincoln, The Man Who Killed Lincoln, The Secret Missions of the Civil War, Communications in the Civil War, The Confederate, Prologue to Sumter, Robert E Lee The Man and The Soldier, Henry David Thoreau Writer & Rebel, The Annotated Walden, PreHistoric Europe from the Stone Age to the Modern Greeks and Philip’s works of science fiction and fantasy.

Mary Hatch, Hero (For Our Times)
This episode featured in chronological order:
Carolyn Sills
Monica Hesse. Read her Washington Post piece “Mary Bailey Is the True Hero of Its a Wonderful Life”.
Kelly Guilfoyle
Jay Martel. You can find portions of his Escape from Wonderful Life on YouTube.
Tania Hussain. Read her Collider piece “Mary’s Fate Without George in Its a Wonderful Life Isn’t Really That Bad”.
Emily St. James
Monica Capra Hodges
Hannah Irmi
Jennifer O’Neill
Donna Reed & Mary Owen. If you’re in Denison, Iowa, check out the Donna Reed Museum.
Janine Waller representing the Women’s Rights National Historical Park
Twyla Keeler
Laurie Lindeen. Listen to Zuzus Petals’ albums.
Laura Robinson
With appearances by:
The cast of Wonderful Life, the cast of Escape from Wonderful Life and the cast of The Donna Reed Show and the brief voices, music and artistry of Parks and Recreation, It Happened One Christmas and the American Film Institute Frank Capra awards show via clips used under the still-existing legal doctrine of fair use. The Potters are working on that one though!
Additional Show Notes
⭐ Jay Martel provided use of the still-never-fully-released Escape from Wonderful Life, which he produced and starred in, alongside performances by the writers Matt Besser, Amy Poehler, Ian Roberts and Matt Walsh, directed by David Zieff. The usages also fit “fair use.”
⭐ The song “Cinderella’s Dream” was used briefly, with Laurie Lindeen’s permission, written and performed by Zuzus Petals, which is Coleen Elwood on bass & vocals, Laurie on guitar & vocals and Linda Pitmon on drums, produced by Lou Giordano, from Roadrunner Records.
⭐ The voice of Marguerite Stern Robinson was played by her daughter Perrine Robinson, based on words Marguerite wrote for her book Law of the Fishes and for her afterword to the edition she published of her father Philip Van Doren Stern’s The Greatest Gift: The Original Story That Inspired the Christmas Classic Its a Wonderful Life. For more on microfinance buy her book The Microfinance Revolution: Sustainable FInance.

Happy Ending
This episode featured in chronological order:
Lindsay Hoffman,
Ray Nowosielski,
Ruth Vaca,
Jimmy Stewart – Ray’s uncle, not the actor
Ed Scharlach & Tom Tenowich,
Kurt Engfehr,
Hannah Irmi,
Matt Asner & Ed Asner. Support the Ed Asner Family Center.
Pete Davidson,
Jason Sudeikis,
Brendan Fraser,
Danny Rubin. Watch his movie Groundhog Day, like Ruth & Ray.
Menzo Case,
Val Stewart Nowosielski,
Laura Robinson & Perrine Robinson-Gellar
And Pablo Anthony Nowosielski Vaca,
With appearances by:
The cast of Wonderful Life and the brief voices, music and artistry of Hollywood, public persons and news media professionals – including Barbara Kopple – via clips used under the still-existing legal doctrine of fair use. The Potters are working on that one though!
Additional Show Notes
⭐ The iHeart pitch scene was reconstructed from real audio recorded during that time and one line of new audio from Lindsay Hoffman based on an email from Beth Anne Macaluso.
⭐ Ray’s phone call with Kurt Engfehr was mostly our original conversation and a little scripted from actual conversations we had previously.
⭐ Same with the call with Ray’s mom Valerie.
⭐ Same with the married couple’s conversation with Ruth.
⭐ Audio of the Asner Center Wonderful Life Table Reads of 2020, ‘21 and ‘22 provided by Matt Asner and the Asner Center, with sign off from The Greatest Gift Corporation, with thanks to their attorney Kevin Koloff.
⭐ Rocky Duffin’s funeral provided by his widow Sharon Duffin, Ray’s aunt.
⭐ My short film premiere party when I was 15 shot and provided by Ray’s dad Tony Nowosielski.
⭐ Watching Wonderful Life with Pablo was the actual raw recording as it happened. He didn’t know I was recording and was not coached. He’s so smart and charming, isn’t he? Exciting future for that one!
Image by
Screenshot from film / Van Doren Sterns Rights
Frank Capra
Mork and Mindy